Reporting Genevo Database Inconsistency
Database used by Genevo products is updated regularly, but it can happen that some of the radar location points are missing or radar was removed.
You can contribute in order to help us keep the radar database 100%.
In addition, for each complete (usable) report you will receive FREE Genevo Database update for one year.
If you know of any place in the database that should be added, removed or edited, please inform us.
Make sure that the database in your device is up to date and then simply send an email to:
Please try to fill in all the following items:
- The type of message (radar, camera on the red segmental measurements ...)
- Description of error (missing, should be added, wrong position ...)
- Location Point (best GPS coordinates)
- Photo / Video (easier for clarification)
- Serial number of your detector (to get free updates)
Thanks - Team Genevo